And if you say – Yes 😨 but you really don't know what exactly it is, then this article belongs to you. 😄
Actually what you have experienced is called 'floaters'. More scientifically this phenomenon is know as 'muscae volitantes' ; Latin name for 'flying flies'. 😇
The reason behind this phenomenon is quite interesting and correlate with the title of this article.
Floaters are tinny 'objects' inside your eye ball (in vitreous humor), which casts shadow on you retina.
These 'objects' might be suspended particles of erythrocytes
(RBC), tinny tissues or clumps of protein.
Visibility of 'floaters' is proportional to their distance
form the retina. Closer to the retina, more will be its visibility !
Floaters are often visible when you are looking at a uniform
bright surface, like - A clear-shiny sky or an uniformly bright computer
screen. But they often remains unnoticed 'cause our brain has the power to
usually ignore these 'obstacles' in our clear vision. 😋
This is the common cause for this phenomenon, moreover there
are various causes for the appearance of floaters.